That swelling sense of satisfaction you get when an excellently designed boss fight caps off a video game is one of the greatest parts of the gaming experience, but not all final bosses live up to their billing. Failing either from a storytelling perspective, or from a visual design perspective, or from a lack of challenge, or all of the above, final bosses that fall short of expectations can leave a sour taste in your mouth that’s not easy to forget. Here, we’re going to talk about a few such disappointments.
Shadow of Mordor sees you building up your character to ridiculous heights, but the payoff at the end of that long journey is incredibly disappointing. Taking on the Black Hand of Sauron after everything that Talion and Celebrimbor have been through should have felt like a climactic duel for the ages, and in the end it just ends up being a… quick time event? Who thought that was a good idea?