Though there are many who prefer their games to be accessible, there are also those who really like to challenge themselves. Often, some titles satisfy those needs by themselves, but more often than not, games end up giving options to players in case they want something really challenging- options that they present as rewards. Finishing a game and then playing it through again on a newly unlocked harder difficulty isn’t something that everyone enjoys, that’s for sure, but there’s a certain appeal to it as well. In this feature, we’ll be taking a look at some games that featured some truly gruelling unlockable harder difficulties.
Metal Gear Solid 2 came out in Europe a few months after it did elsewhere, but players got a pretty sweet reward for their patience in the form of European Extreme difficulty. Even harder than regular Extreme, European Extreme gave players zero rations throughout the games, buffed up enemies so they could essentially deliver one hit kills (especially the bosses), and made it so that if you ever broke stealth and alerted an enemy, it was game over for you.