We have a weird fascination with water in video games. From obsessing over water graphics to our unifying dislike for water levels, water, for some reason or the other, ends up figuring into a lot of our conversations. Similarly, whenever we see a body of water in a video game, some instinct inside of us just kicks in, and we can’t help but take a dive to see what happens- will we sink, or swim?
Often, it’s the former. Being able to swim in video games, strangely enough, isn’t something that happens a lot. In this feature, we’ll be taking a look at fifteen unfortunate characters in games who’re terrible swimmers.
The good old wild west isn’t a place where swimming is a life skill that you absolutely need to have- and John Marston takes that to heart. Put him in any body of water for even a second, and he’ll sink faster than a ton of bricks. The series is well aware of this, and takes every opportunity to poke fun at the outlaw’s inability to swim in Red Dead Redemption 2.