Every game has something to deliver that makes its followers go nuts over it. But what if the game itself that promises to deliver something substantial, is nuts itself? That roughly sums up the game Sunset Overdrive. It’s an open world third person shooter that conforms in no way to the established paths that games of the said category follow. It’s precisely the reason why Sunset Overdrive – an Xbox One exclusive – is one of the most anticipated games on the Xbox One. After the loss of Dead Rising 3 and Ryse’s Xbox One exclusivity, Insomniac Games’ Sunset Overdrive is perhaps Microsoft’s most important title since the console’s launch.
So what makes Sunset Overdrive one of the most wanted Xbox One titles? There’s quite a lot to go on about; half of it not sensible a smidgen, but that’s the gist of it.
15. It’s Open World
Just like so many games that will be coming out this year and later on, Sunset Overdrive too is an open world game providing a plethora of opportunities to explore the world in a variety of different ways that are bound to ensure more than just an engaging experience. Looking at the premise itself is enough that the open world of the game is going to enrapturing to say the least.