Quick, tell us: how do you sprint in the average first person game? You press the left stick, right? Well, not in No Man’s Sky! In this game, you sprint by pressing the right analog stick. That might sound like nitpicking, but it can completely throw you off when you are still learning the ropes of the game. There are other, similar control quirks (such as scanning being mapped to the left shoulder button and trigger), and the worst part is, the game doesn’t let you remap controls. Then there are other control issues- for instance, in general, No Man’s Sky makes you hold down a key each time you would think to press it. Now, for some things, like trashing items in your inventory, that makes sense- it ensures no one does something stupid accidentally. But simply selecting a menu choice in the Discovery menu? Why do I have to hold down a button for that? Why is simply pressing it not enough?