Glass holds factions as well, three in fact: The Runners, the Conglomerates, and Black November. The Conglomerates are known to “rule” over Glass. The other factions exist to work against the oppression, those supporting it, and those in between. As stated from the official site:
- The Runners are a special group of voluntary offGrids who’ve decided not to be part of the Conglomerate machine. Living on rooftops and grouping together in tight-knit Cabals they race across the urban landscapes, performing burglaries and courier jobs for those willing to pay.
- Black November is a resistance movement led by Rebecca Thane, a once prominent protest leader, who turned to violent methods following the November riots almost two decades ago.
- The Conglomerate consists of 13 corporations, each run by a powerful family or Corporate House, who together rules the nation of Cascadia.
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