The shuttering of THQ back in 2013 was a tragic event for the gaming industry, and one of the reasons for that was that the future of so many great franchises was now in doubt. One such franchise was the bombastic, gleefully over-the-top Saints Row, and while we’re not getting a direct sequel to Saints Row 4 just yet, we are at least getting the opportunity to return to that universe. Agents of Mayhem looks like an exciting game, not just for fans of the series, but even as a separate game on its own two feet, and we’re looking forward to it with giddy anticipation. Here, in tis feature, we’re going to look at fifteen things that we feel are going to get you pumped for the upcoming game, if you aren’t pumped already, that is.
Saints Row games have till now only been set in the USA, with the first two games being set in the fictional city of Stilwater and the next two being set in the also fictional Steelport. The spinoff Agents of Mayhem, however, is going to be the first game in the larger series to be set in a real-life city- but with its own unique twist. Agents of Mayhem will be set in a futuristic version of Seoul, also making it the first game in the series to be set outside of the USA.