Think about when you were young and how many times you got freighted by the simplest things in games. They were different from movies (and still are) because it wasn’t some actor on a screen going doing everything, it was you controlling somebody.
Nowadays, those things that scared you as a child probably make you laugh. Or maybe, just maybe, you still find some of those same things in your childhood games that still creep you out.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Ocarina of Time – The Bottom of the Well
Bottom of the Well is a level in Ocarina of Time, and is so horrifying it feels like it belongs in Majora’s Mask instead. In the level, you constantly plummet through fake floors until you land in a river of poison, where sickeningly, spindly hands constantly reach out to grab you.
Then you find the true horror. The boss in the level is a melted marshmallow, hunched over with an angry face and those same slender arms reaching out for you. It cranes its neck back and forth like a giraffe, and shuffles towards you as more arms shoot up from the ground and grab you by the face. Yeah, this guy’s still pretty damn creepy.