10. Mass Effect
Mass Effect has become one of the most recognized and iconic names in the gaming industry, and BioWare call it their best franchise till date. And I agree. While Mass Effect has a lot of rough edges and flaws, it was a whole new step forward for games as an interactive medium of storytelling. Not only did the game have incredible RPG elements and fun combat, it had a brilliant story, cinematic cutscenes, high production values, and a world that was so rich it felt real down to the core. Mass Effect 2 far outdid the original, but it too is a game that will never be forgotten.
9. Call of Duty: Black Ops
Black Ops is damn good. It has an excellent multiplayer component, on par with the Modern Warfare series. It has a thrilling, relentless, fast-paced single player campaign with an awesome story- the best we’ve seen in the franchise yet- that never relinquishes its hold on you. It’s the best Call of Duty game to have ever been released, one of the best shooters this year, and a game that will stand out in all our memories for many years to come. With Black Ops, I say, Treyarch has finally come into its own, and has overtaken Infinity Ward as the better developer.
8. Gears of War
Gears of War was the Xbox 360′s first killer app, and a killer app it was indeed. Gears of War was truly revolutionary, and brought light to how brilliant a developing team Epic was. With a fast paced, relentless, adrenaline heavy single player campaign and a decent multiplayer mode to boast of, games try to mimic the success and awesomeness of Gears of War till this very day. With Gears of War 3 coming out next year, while we are sad to say goodbye to this awesome franchise, we simply cannot wait for the epic finale in this grand saga.
7. Red Dead Redemption
This- this is what everyone wanted GTAIV to be like, and so, Rockstar gave it to us. A spectacular adventure that actually makes you feel like a cowboy in the Wild West, a gripping story that keeps you involved all throughout, really fun gameplay and a great multiplayer mode that will keep players hooked and addicted for months and months at ends, if not years. This is what Red Dead Redemption is. An awesome game, and few other sandbox games this generation can hope to match RDR’s quality.
6. BioShock
Not just of this generation, BioShock is one of the best games ever. There are few games that can get as atmospheric as BioShock, and fewer that can maintain the quality and refinement that BioShock boasts of. While its sequel was not as revolutionary as itself, the BioShock brand name is still a very strong brand, and we cannot wait to get our hands on Infinite, which looks as bit as good, if not better than, as BioShock.
5. Fallout 3
Elder Scrolls IV and Fallout 3, Bethesda’s two masterpieces that have defined how WRPGs should be. It is sad that Bethesda’s follow-up to the game, Fallout: New Vegas couldn’t quite live up to the standards. While people often criticize Fallout 3 for its bugs and glitches, other things like the VATS system and the overly addictive gameplay make it one hell of a game, one that simply cannot be missed by any gamer, and will always be remembered as time wears on.
4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
The Elder Scrolls IV was one of the games that defined this gen’s Western Role Playing Games. Having spent literally hundreds of hours playing The Elder Scrolls IV, I can vouch for the fact that few games can ever be as addictive, fun and epic as this one. Oblivion, was, I believe, Bethesda’s peak, and the world that they crafted for this game showcases just how much hard work they put into it. Now if only Bethesda can rework all the glitched and bugs in Skyrim, we’ll have a winner on our hands.
3. Halo: Reach
By now, most of you might have played Halo: Reach at least once, and those of you who have also played Halo 3 might notice the huge improvements Reach makes over it. Halo: Reach has completely and irrevocably trounced Halo 3 when it comes to single player. Reach has the best campaign ever in any Halo game, better even than Combat Evolved, and that is saying something. Epic cutscenes, tense and thrilling missions, though, are not half as good as the USP of the game- the multiplayer. The multiplayer, again, is the best we have ever seen in any Halo game, what with it adding a ton of new modes and customization tools and tweaks to the already perfect Halo 3 MP mode, and of course, the Firefight mode. Reach is a must-buy for ALL gamers- not just shooter fans or Halo fans.
2. Assassin’s Creed II
Assassin’s Creed II is without a doubt one of the best games on whichever platform it has been released on, and that includes the Xbox 360. Assassin’s Creed was already a huge step in gaming, and Assassin’d Creed II improved so heavily upon it, that it almost seems like the original Assasin’s Creed was a prototype, and AC2 is a full blown game that is built upon the prototype that was AC. For all the freedom, variety and awe that Assassin’s Creed II is full to the brim of, we love it like hell.
1. Mass Effect 2
I have played through Mass Effect 2 countless of times, and have clocked in innumerable hours of gameplay, and am on my umpteenth playthrough right now, and each of my playthroughs have been as wonderful as if I was playing a whole new game again. It never felt as if I was replaying the same game-the set-pieces, the dialogues, the character models, the weapon loadouts and other stuff is completely different with every playthrough. The character development, story, story presentation, voice acting and the script of this game are incredibly powerful, and I can think of no other game that can match this game’s depth. It is this very depth, this varied structure, this epitome of the very genre of Role Playing Games that make Mass Effect 2 not only one of the best games of this generation, but of all times, perhaps.
That Is All, Readers!
There you go, our Top 50 Xbox 360 games that you definitely should play before you die.
Did you like the list? Or did you hate it? Or do you have some other picks in mind? Tell us in your comments below!