2011 has been infested with first person shooters so far and if you ever that thought that will be the end of it, then think again. The big guns have not been released yet and the battle of two of the biggest franchises in the video games industry has not even begun.
Since we are more than half way through the year, we decided to make a list on six first person shooters that you should keep any eye on in the next six months. So without any delays, lets get started!
6. Bodycount
Release date: August 16th, 2011
Bodycount is considered as a spiritual successor to the visually insane game of last generation: Black. Developed by the same team, Bodycount will feature destructible environments which could actually change the course of a battle. Featuring strong co-operative and online modes, along with a new cover system that offers complete freedom, Bodycount might be one of the wild cards of 2011.
5. Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Release date: July 19th, 2011 (PS3, 360), September 13th, 2011 (PC)
Call of Juarez has always been one of my favourite ‘western themed’ franchises. The previous game, Bound in Blood, told a story of two brothers and how they eventually destroy each other. In Cartel you will be thrown in to modern Mexico as a law enforcement agent. Expect more cart chases, slo-mo shooting and a fun filled multiplayer in this cow-boy game from Techland.
4. Resistance 3
Release date: September 2011
I am a bit surprised that how Insomniac’s third entry in to the sc-fi shooter is not getting the attention and the hype it deserves. It kind of sad but at the same time it will also make sure that people won’t over expect from the game. Resistance 3 takes place four years after the surprising events of Resistance 2 and you take up the role of Capelli who has apparently given up fighting against the Chimeran forces. Expect a ton of crazy weapons, long single player campaign backed up by a solid story and a solid sixteen player online mode. The game will support 3D and the PlayStation Move.