Battlefield: Hardline Targeted With A DDoS Attack on Xbox One

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Posted By | On 19th, Mar. 2015

Battlefield Hardline

Unlike the (very) troubled launch of its predecessor, Battlefield: Hardline had a generally smooth launch, free of any online and connectivity issues, which had so plagued Battlefield 4. However, it appears that some people simply couldn’t stand the idea of that, as a DDoS attack targeted specifically at Battlefield Hardline was launched on Xbox Live for Xbox One.

Apparently, the issue was not widespread- very few people actually reported being unable to connect to the game’s servers last night when it did launch- and EA confirmed that the (contained) issues were because of a DDoS attack which it was now investigating.

On the whole, the DDoS attack aside, it is probably for the best that the game did not launch with any issues- the launch of Battlefield 4, which kicked off what seems to be a generation of broken or non functional AAA releases at launch (see also: DriveClub, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Destiny), was a massive disaster, and it is good to see EA having learned from that.

We can only hope they don’t rush out Star Wars Battlefront later this year, and give it a similar amount of time to gestate.

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