This year’s Call of Duty game is being developed by Infinity Ward, and while their last game was the disappointing Ghosts (it was so bad it stalled the Call of Duty series’ momentum for a good two years, until Black Ops 3 came along and restored the series’ sales to the level that they used to be at), in general, anticipation and excitement for it is high- after all, the game is a follow up to Black Ops 3, which was widely well received, and it was in development for three years. How could it go wrong?
It also helps that Infinity Ward themselves are hyping the game up any chance they get. Speaking on Twitter, Infinity Ward’s production coordinator Candice Capen spoke about the upcoming Call of Duty game, leaving a tease that indicated a general level of excitement for the title (which is natural- she’s on the development team for the game, of course she’s excited about it), and also tantalizingly hinted at something new in the game via a wilily well placed ‘redacted.’ Gah. Although, judging by previous leaks, this probably refers to the game’s oft rumored space setting.
Call of Duty 2016 will probably be announced later this month, or in May, given that that is when new Call of Duty games have been announced over the last few years. It will also probably be shown off at E3 this year, possibly during Sony’s press conference.