A lot of questions have been surrounding Call of Duty Elite, here is a video to clear some things up with a little humor on the side. Activision will also be hosting an event in Los Angeles this Labor Day weekend with the first ever Call of Duty fan experience, Call of Duty XP. Thousands of hardcore and casual fans alike will pack a hangar somewhere in the urban confines of L.A. for two days to play Call of Duty for real, with paintball as well as Modern Warfare 2’s The Pit and Scrapyard maps set up brick for brick. There will be a tournament with $1 Million in prizes so stay tuned for info on the event and possible coverage. The private beta is ongoing and hopefully the above video will explain the system a little more.
So grab a bite at Burger Town, Run the Pit, Battle in Scrapyard, a MW3 Reveal and much more taking place in LA, California on September 1st and 2nd. Check out the details here: http://www.callofduty.com/xp/event
Additionally here is a preview of the actual lay out of Call of Duty Elite who did not get into the beta.