Frogware Studios’ Crimes & Punishments sees the return of the iconic Sherlock Holmes, and with a new trailer released today, the studio has revealed the adventure mystery will be arriving on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Q2 2014.
Crimes & Punishments sees Holmes and Watson investigating a murder involving a sailor and a whale harpoon. Interestingly, the overall outcome will depend on you as you can conduct your own investigation to weed out the guilty suspects. It seems like there will be a different perpetrator each time but more importantly, it will be up to you to decide whether they do the time or go off free for the crime.
There will be six investigations in total for the game and you’ll be using Holmes’ bizarre personality and admittedly well animated looks to solve them. Crimes & Punishments will also be releasing on Xbox 360 and PC in the coming months.