Dead or Alive 5 might not have panned out so great on the Xbox 360 and PS3 – being the first game in the series since the departure of founder Tomonobu Itagaki – but Team Ninja is going full steam ahead with the Playstation Vita version.
Dead or Alive 5 Plus aims to bring the experience to handhelds, and judging by the new trailer, does a fabulous job of that.
The frame rate and rock solid graphics are obviously the appeal but the trailer also showcases Touch Fighting, which allows you to fight from a first person perspective against an opponent using the Vita’s touch screen.
The usual cross play and cross save feature between the Vita and PS3 versions will be enabled, given the announcements about DLC being shared across both systems and the popularity of said concept with fighting games these days. Dead or Alive 5 Plus will be releasing March 22nd for the Playstation Vita.