There was not a single person on this planet who wouldn’t have been excited when they found out that Mads Mikkelsen would be playing the main antagonist in Kojima Productions’ upcoming Death Stranding. That’s just a winning combination.
And now it looks like we might find out more about his character sooner than we thought. Kojima Productions recently sent out a tweet that confirmed that HideoTube (which has been on a bit of a break for a while now) will be returning early next month, and that Mads Mikkelsen will be a guest star.
Even though we know that Death Stranding isn’t very close to release at all, news for the game has been coming in quite frequently, such as whether or not Guillerme del Toro is involved beyond in the creative process of the game. Hideo Kojima also recently talked about the over-sexualization of characters and how he will be dealing with that in Death Stranding.
Get ready for a new #hideotube coming early february. As you can see, we had a very special guest this time… ARE YOU READY??
— KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS (Eng) (@KojiPro2015_EN) January 26, 2017