For Hideo Kojima, all eyes are on him, as we wait for Death Stranding, his first most Metal Gear project, and the first one since his acrimonious split with publisher Konami. Kojima is a genius who has been shackled by the confines of the same series for far too long- that’s how the thinking goes. So it will be interesting to see what he cooks up, now that he can explore a new IP, and flex his muscles creatively.
Thankfully, it looks like he is working hard on the game, too. According to the posts he has been sharing on his Twitter, it sounds like he has been working rather hard on the game’s script. Given that the story is an essential part of the appeal of Kojima’s games to his fans, and that him botching it up in Metal Gear Solid 5 was one of the reasons a lot of those same fans didn’t necessarily appreciate that game as much, I think it’s good that he seems to be working hard on the script this time.
Maybe that will ensure we get the kind of crazy, over the top, prescient and meaningful story that we did in Metal Gear Solid 2, for instance. Death Stranding is due out on PlayStation 4 exclusively at… some point in time. A PC release of the game shortly afterwards has also been announced.
Worked on the script.
I've been working on the script.