Destiny The Taken King Interview: Starting Year Two

Bungie's Luke Timmons talks - and doesn't talk - about The Taken King.

Posted By | On 14th, Sep. 2015

Destiny The Taken King Interview: Starting Year Two

Many have long since tired of Bungie’s Destiny, especially in the wake of its initial reviews. However, the sales – and user participation – can’t lie. Destiny has been a massive success for Bungie and publisher Activision, with the former releasing new DLC content to expand on the original release. The Dark Below and House of Wolves may have had a lukewarm reception but the upcoming expansion The Taken King is different. Along with featuring a brand new “zone” to explore, a significant storyline centering around the war with Oryx and his Taken, and all the other little changes, The Taken King will effectively be the start of Destiny’s second year.

GamingBolt’s Leonid Melikhov spoke to Bungie engineering lead Luke Timmins about various aspects of The Taken King, how Year One players will get back into the game with the new expansion, changes and having fun at the end of the day. (Note: This interview took place at E3 2015 before many details regarding The Taken King were revealed.)


"He’s super bad. And the thing about Oryx that’s cool is he controls this army called the Taken. Right? So the Taken are cool. The Taken are basically– Oryx has a unique ability. He’s a hive King. He has this unique ability to basically tear these holes in the space-time."

Leonid Melikhov: So we have quite a few questions. Fans are excited for The Taken King. The Taken King is Destiny’s next big expansion; and there are already rumors…

Luke Timmins: (laughs) The exciting thing is it’s out first major expansion. So the cool thing about it– I mean, yeah. I hope that for everybody who’s played it before– who’s played Destiny, like yourself, you know, I, I think it’s– I think they should be excited. We were trying to tell a completely, big, new campaign story beginning to end about Oryx. And, yeah, for people who’ve played The Dark Below, you know, they’re familiar with Ares who is basically, you know, sort of crazily talking about, “He’s coming!” And you’re like, “who?” And then you end up fighting Crota.

And then we are sort of bringing back characters that people should be familiar with. Here at E3 we are showing the opening, a little opening called “The Coming War.” And right off the bat you’re going to be like, “oh yeah. There’s Zavalla, there’s Eris.” And there’s this great moment really early where Eris is, like “He’s here!” And you’re like, “who?” And then there’s Oryx. You’re like, “whoa! My god!” And the first thing Oryx says to you is, you know, “hey, I’m here. You killed my son.” And for people who’ve played Dark Below– yes, I’ve personally killed Crota like multiple times a week. So you’re like, “hey, I get it.” There’s a new bad guy to kill.

He’s super bad. And the thing about Oryx that’s cool is he controls this army called the Taken. Right? So the Taken are cool. The Taken are basically– Oryx has a unique ability. He’s a hive King. He has this unique ability to basically tear these holes in the space-time. Basically takes guys from your dimension using these things called blights, where the darkness corrupts them. It twists them. They come back twisted and nasty with new abilities. They’re sort of this army. It wouldn’t be a Destiny game if we, of course, didn’t have some new ways to kill Oryx.

Leonid Melikhov: Of course. Make it fun.

Luke Timmins: We’re super excited here. And we’re showing here at E3 we’re showing off that everybody gets a new subclass to play with. Every single class gets a new subclass. And I think everybody who’s played before should have something new to look forward to. I played my game as a Warlock. So the Storm Caller that they get is really fun to play with. Right now when you use Stormtrance, you basically go into third person; floating around, electrocuting people with chain-lightening. It’s a little over powered in the build. It’s pretty ridiculous. I’m also really excited for Titans. Titans finally get a solar thing. They finally get a ranged attack. They have a melee attack that’s really fun. And finally, I think the one that– when I first saw the– it was back in October– and I saw one of our designers on his desk, he was working on this thing with this bow. And I was like, “Whoa! What the fuck is that? Like, what is that?” (laughs). And he said, “this is going to be the new super for the hunter.” And I was like, “what!?” So when I first saw the Night Stalker, that night I went home and started a hunter and got her ready. Because it was that awesome.

Leonid Melikhov: Excited for that one, huh?

Luke Timmins: So basically, everyone gets a new subclass to play with. New weapons, new gear, new exotics. It’s a huge part of the game we value. The big thing for us, The Taken King, it’s our first new destination we are adding to Destiny. So there’s a whole new area for people to explore. And it’s really early– you get to see Oryx in his gigantic floating Castle-ship. And you’re like, “Okay, I get it. I’m going to board that thing. I’m going to slaughter the Taken. I’m going to go find Oryx and kill him.


"Let me break that down. So first of all, I have three level 34 characters. I know that if I was the guy holding the mic and talking to a person from Bungie, I would literally be choking me right now and be like, “tell me about what the upgrade path is going to be.” We’re not talking about any of that right now."

Leonid Melikhov: Right.

Luke Timmins: It’s a high level thing. Also coming with The Taken King– there’s tons of new stuff to do. There’s new strikes, new crucible mode, new maps…

Leonid Melikhov: How many?

Luke Timmins: How many? (laughs)

Leonid Melikhov: How many missions, strikes, PVP? PVP maps also, by the way. What can we expect?

Luke Timmins: So what we can talk about today– we’re showing four PVP maps here today. Two new game modes. The rough numbers about them and we’re basically showing- the PVP maps about half the amount we’ll be showing we’re going to be having eventually for Taken at launch. Like I said, new strikes, new maps, new public events, new patrols, new bounties, and new classes. Pretty much everything people will know from Destiny. There’s just going to be more of.

Leonid Melikhov: A lot more of. Of course. You talked about new weapons, exotics, obviously. What about upgrade materials for the Taken King? How will the damage cap still be 365? Will there be some other end-game content, say for PvPers, aside from the raid?

Luke Timmins: Let me break that down. So first of all, I have three level 34 characters. I know that if I was the guy holding the mic and talking to a person from Bungie, I would literally be choking me right now and be like, “tell me about what the upgrade path is going to be.” We’re not talking about any of that right now. We are going to have– we know it’s super important to people. We know people are super passionate about it. We are going to be taking the time to talk about that as we get closer to launch. We are going to be talking a lot more about it as we get closer to launch.

Leonid Melikhov: House of Wolves marked the appearance of a new weapon type in the side arm.

Luke Timmins: Yep.

Leonid Melikhov: There’s no doubt that more side arms will arrive for The Taken King. But will there be any new weapons types introduced such as the frequently requested heavy sniper from the fans?

Luke Timmins: (laughs) I don’t want to talk about any new archetypes. But I can tell you I so want you to go try out the demo we are showing today here at E3. One thing that we did, I think we’re trying to do a better job of: so everybody knows, for example, the Suros Regime. It’s an exotic, right? It’s an exotic auto riffle. One thing that the team wanted to do with The Taken King was, we said, “you know what? Hey, people don’t realize it Suros isn’t just one gun. It’s actually one manufacturer.”

So we tried to do a thing, which is like, for The Taken King you should be able to seize Suros weapons– and they have a unique visual style– all Suros weapons are actually going to look very similar. And they’re actually going to have a similar way where people can customize and upgrade them. Pocket weapons are going to be the same (unfamiliar word 6:33). So that is one thing that we are talking about today is that we are going to be doubling down– we are trying to have much more signature styles of these weapons.


"Right now, the Warlock is super powerful! The Storm Trance is, in my opinion, probably just a little bit. So if you actually broke into Bungie, like tonight you would actually find that these are already tuned differently than what’s playable. We are constantly tuning them. So we know it’s important."

Leonid Melikhov: Awesome. Sounds good. How will (inaudible 6:48) at the presented rumor, new subclasses affect new gameplay, especially in the crucible; where there are constant complaints of some ‘super ability’ or another? Now I know you’ve talked about the super hunter bow. How are you guys– you know what I mean? Hunters always have a lot of stuff.

Luke Timmins: That is a fantastic question. So today at E3 we are showing two new modes. We are showing “Rift”, which is an objective mode, and “Mayhem” which is just a f*cking hilarious, fun, crazy mode. We absolutely– we think about balance a lot within PVE and PVP. If you actually look at the History of dates that we’ve done…so we’ve updated– I think we’ve done like 29– our 30th update for Destiny was Monday. We think about that a lot. To make sure– like right now, I’m not going to lie to you. Right now, the Warlock is super powerful! The Storm Trance is, in my opinion, probably just a little bit. So if you actually broke into Bungie, like tonight you would actually find that these are already tuned differently than what’s playable. We are constantly tuning them. So we know it’s important. We don’t want anybody to be like, “Oh. Obviously everybody has to play Titan.” Like, right? Like nobody wants that across the board. So we know it’s important.

Leonid Melikhov: Now I’m going to have to go for the throat here.

Luke Timmins: (laughs) Okay.

Leonid Melikhov: Destiny has surpassed initial expectations and criticism to become quite the time waster. The 10 year plan is still brought up. How much is all that going to play out in upcoming sequels, missions and other mechanics?

Luke Timmins: So (inaudible 8:12). God, I hope people– time waster. I hope people don’t think about it that way. I mean, I think of it as, like I said–

Leonid Melikhov: I think it was more at the beginning.

Luke Timmins: I hear you. Let me tell you my story. So every week I play with my best friend. On Tuesday night I play with my best friend on Nightfall. Wednesday I go Raiding with my raid group. On Saturday I play PVP. That is my weekly schedule.

And you know, for me– and it’s really funny– people ask me, because for a long time the whole thing was, I didn’t have Gjallarhorn. I’d been trying to get Gjallarhorn. And on Wednesday– this was like June 3rd, not that long ago– I was playing Vault of Glass ‘hard’. And the Gjallarhorn dropped. And my group of friends played it for a long time. Everyone was like– they were like we’re excited for me. I was, of course, like super happy. But they were like, “it happened for you!” So the thing for me is that– if you said the question, “hey, man, what is Destiny?” Destiny is a game that inherently– and I’m grabbing a controller here. It’s a game that feels good in your hands to shoot aliens with your friends. But the key part of that is ‘with your friends’. So for me, like, when I think about Destiny, it’s all about the game that I’m playing a lot with my friends. I’m also enjoying a beer or something like that.


"The Live Team, they can only do so much. It really is up to the next major releases. Like with The Taken King, where they can say, “alright, guys, let’s build a better strike. Let’s build it better.”"

Leonid Melikhov: Right.

Luke Timmins: So the first part of that is basically like, I hope that when people are playing this, they’re playing with their friends or enjoying their time doing that. That was the first part of your question. But yeah, the 10 year plan. The contract that we have with people– and we said that we talked about the 10 year plan. I mean, we have a high level story arch that we think about over 10 years. But when we think about the ’10 year plan’ the key contract from us is that– when you make your Guardian in Destiny– it doesn’t matter if you buy The Taken King and you make it for the first time, or you were there since day one, we are going to keep releasing new ventures to keep expanding Destiny; and your Guardian is always going to be there. And that’s a ‘long term’ thing. Like we’re not stopping. So for me– like yeah, we set up another team. We think of the next adventure we are going to work on. I hope that answers your question.

Leonid Melikhov: I think it’s a difficult question. I think the most criticism was, like– and not really– yeah, it was fun to play with friends and all that. And I’ve had fun with it too. But I think it was the loot.

Luke Timmins: Sure.

Leonid Melikhov: And I think that’s why people called it a ‘time waster’ because you get all these things, but you never really get what you want. And you guys now, like from House of Wolves– and you brought something up, and finally your exotic weapons useful again. You know what I’m talking about? I think that’s where the whole time wasting thing came in.

Luke Timmins: Every game– so it’s funny. We have, you know, like I mentioned– at Bungie we have a team called the “Live Team”. The Live Team’s job is to basically be thinking about the community, listening to feedback, and trying to do small patches.

Leonid Melikhov: Of course.

Luke Timmins: The Live Team, they can only do so much. It really is up to the next major releases. Like with The Taken King, where they can say, “alright, guys, let’s build a better strike. Let’s build it better.” So we can sort of take a bunch of that feedback and I hope people– if there’s one thing I hope people say about Destiny is that ever release we are trying to get a little bit better.

Leonid Melikhov: I think it’s funny how people are like– House of Wolves, when you announced it was April or March or May I think you revealed it. And then it came out the day of The Witcher 3. Kind of funny. Amazing game.

Luke Timmins: (whispers) I’m playing it now.

Leonid Melikhov: I’ve got to get back to Destiny. My weapons are useful now. That was the big deal. And that’s where everything changed. And even my friend who didn’t play his Xbox six months because he was playing on the PS4 with me just playing, like Bloodborne and other games. Because he had Destiny on Xbox.

Luke Timmins: (whispers) Bloodborne’s amazing too.

Leonid Melikhov: Yes. And he was like, “you know what? Let me try this, it sounds really good.” He’s been hooked on it.

Luke Timmins: That’s good to hear.

Destiny The Taken king

"For 60 dollars, if you know nothing about Destiny, or you’ve been sort of like, “meh,” we’re like, “listen, you will get: Destiny, Dark Below, House of Wolves,” and all those things they need for 60 bucks"

Leonid Melikhov: I haven’t given my full commitment. Because I played WoW for 10 years. So I know how RPGs are, and I’m like, “until this gets fixed I’m not playing it.”

Luke Timmins: I hear you.

Leonid Melikhov: Personal thing. I have the game. It’s still sealed. I’m thinking this may be a good time to jump in now.

Luke Timmins: I hope — I mean I really do hope that a lot of the– I mean this is going to sound weird. When we were thinking about the different offerings for how we were going to– we said, “okay. The Taken King. What are we going to sell it as?” One of the offerings we said, “Hey, we really wanted to have this 60 hour version of the game with everything.

Leonid Melikhov: Of course.

Luke Timmins: Right? For 60 dollars, if you know nothing about Destiny, or you’ve been sort of like, “meh,” we’re like, “listen, you will get: Destiny, Dark Below, House of Wolves,” and all those things they need for 60 bucks– And I’m like, “guys.” I hope that people see that. I hope so.

Leonid Melikhov: It looks great. I liked the E3 trailer. I was at the conference. I liked all of the holographic weapons. That’s kind of like– I’m like, “all those? Yeah, not I might be interested.” I like melee combat, and I like energy weapons.

Luke Timmins: Especially for me. I’m actually a big support-class player. So my Titan is a super-class. So I was super excited for the Hunter just because I wanted another support class in the game.

Leonid Melikhov: My main one was a Hunter.

Luke Timmins: Yeah.

Leonid Melikhov: Now we’ve seen plenty, numerous improvements made to the game– the base game. We’re not talking about improvements or expansions or anything like that. What other feedback are you guys currently looking at to tackle and implement for the bass game, not anything new.

Luke Timmins: It’s hard, because, like I said, I’m on the Live Team. If you, again, if you broke into Bungie every morning at 9:30, we have a group of us who are like, “Okay. What are the top issues in the community?” So we hear everything. We are kind of a whole team of people. We are constantly looking. Our most vocal community, whatever, be if GAF, or be it Reddit.

Destiny The Taken King

"I’ve had people ask me here at E3. They’re like, “what are you going to do about this thing?” And I’m like, “guys, The Taken King, when it launches there’s going to be a whole bunch of new toys and all the new supers–“"

Leonid Melikhov: Right.

Luke Timmins: We are both trying to– the Live Team especially, is trying to do things like– we talked a little bit about it earlier about balance of weapons. We know. We hear the vocal complaints about, like, “Oh my god! I’m sick of, be it Thorn. I’m sick of so on.” So those are things. We hear it, we get it. We know that’s important because we want people to have choices when they’re playing different modes. We hear a lot about that.

Leonid Melikhov: I think that the emphasis in a game like this, where it’s always evolving, is that it’s never going to be super balanced. It has a certain balance level but it’s never going to be perfect.

Luke Timmins: 100 percent. I’ve had people ask me here at E3. They’re like, “what are you going to do about this thing?” And I’m like, “guys, The Taken King, when it launches there’s going to be a whole bunch of new toys and all the new supers–”

Leonid Melikhov: Right. Don’t worry about that.

Luke Timmins: And people are like, “oh, yeah.” And I’m like, “guys, there’s always new stuff being added–”

Leonid Melikhov: Of course.

Luke Timmins: That’s the whole point of the Crucible.

Leonid Melikhov: And it’s also the challenge because, again, new stuff, new balance.

Luke Timmins: Of course.

Leonid Melikhov: Especially the subclasses. That’s another one.

Luke Timmins: Yeah. But also as a player that’s also part of the fun.

Leonid Melikhov: But now I get to be powerful for a month, and then I’m going to go get the stuff. I’m going to go make something else now. Because that’s overpowered. (Laughs) Because that’s how it usually is. Okay. I probably have about four more questions, maybe.

Luke Timmins: No problem.

Leonid Melikhov: Okay. You’re going to hate me for this one. I’m going to go for the throat again. This probably has been asked for a hundred-million times. Is Destiny ever coming to the PC?

Luke Timmins: (laughs)

Destiny The Taken King

"Let me tell you– let me say the three things I’ll tell you about the Raid. So the first thing is– we’ve had a lot of questions about this. People are like, “is it a three-man Raid?” No. So it’s a six-man Raid, first of all. Secondly, it’s on– it is on the new destination. It is going to be on the Dreadnaught."

Leonid Melikhov: I ask this because you guys have expressed interested in the past.

Luke Timmins: We are– I mean, I’ll say we are Bungie. Especially as engineers, we are always looking at different experiences, at different tech. (Whispers) I have nothing to announce. I have nothing to say about it that I’ve hear. And that is one question that we get. And we know. We’ve heard it before. We’ve heard it from a lot of PC fans who are like, “please!” And I’m like, “I hear you!”

Leonid Melikhov: I have a feeling it’s going to be one of those things where– I don’t know if you heard at the Sony conference– were you guys there?

Luke Timmins: Me? Yeah.

Leonid Melikhov: You were there. We saw Shenmue 3, we saw Final Fantasy 7–

Luke Timmins: Yes!

Leonid Melikhov: And we saw The Last Guardian. And everyone was just kind of like– this is what people have been asking for over a decade. I mean, a sequel to a 14 year old game. I mean, I think within a 10 year commitment, we’re probably going to see a PC version. Somewhere down the line at a Sony conference where you guys come out and say, “we know you’ve been asking for this a long time so here it is.” I’m seeing that image.

Luke Timmins: Same thing here. I cannot say anything else about it.

Leonid Melikhov: So stealth answer: yes it’s coming.

Luke Timmins: No. I’m not saying that.

Leonid Melikhov: I’m just kidding.

Luke Timmins: (laughs)

Leonid Melikhov: Let’s see here. What’s going on with the Raids? Will the Raid be– will the new Raid be more like The Vault of Glass and its sprawling nature? A quick and action packed Raid like Crota’s End, or something in between?

Luke Timmins: Let me tell you– let me say the three things I’ll tell you about the Raid. So the first thing is– we’ve had a lot of questions about this. People are like, “is it a three-man Raid?” No. So it’s a six-man Raid, first of all. Secondly, it’s on– it is on the new destination. It is going to be on the Dreadnaught. When people see everything with the Dreadnaught– it’s going to be on the Dreadnaught.

Destiny The Taken King

"The Raid is super important to us. It’s super important to the community. I actually– even if I knew– like, there are details about it that I want people to discover on their own time…"

Leonid Melikhov: Is the Dreadnaught a planet or a–

Luke Timmins: It’s a ship. Well, it’s floating outside Saturn.

Leonid Melikhov: It’s a gigantic ship.

Luke Timmins: It’s a gigantic ship.

Leonid Melikhov: Right. Right.

Luke Timmins: How about this? It is a ridiculously–

Leonid Melikhov: Sized ship.

Luke Timmins: Comedic sized ship.

Leonid Melikhov: Right.

Luke Timmins: It is gigantic.

Leonid Melikhov: Right.

Luke Timmins: And third is that, I was playing soccer a couple years ago and I shattered– broke my thumb. Luke Smith will re-break my thumb if I say anything else about the Raid. He’s actually around here. Whenever someone says “Raid” he gets this face like, “I’ll fucking kill you!”

Leonid Melikhov: (laughs)

Luke Timmins: We know the Raid– he’s laughing. He knows I mean it too.

Leonid Melikhov: (laughs)

Luke Timmins: The Raid is super important to us. It’s super important to the community. I actually– even if I knew– like, there are details about it that I want people to discover on their own time–

Leonid Melikhov: So it’s more of a– exploring is the fun.

Luke Timmins: Yeah. Absolutely. Oh my god. Absolutely.

Leonid Melikhov: You want the players to be surprised and happy.

Luke Timmins: Yeah.

Destiny Hunter

"When you go play the demo, The Taken King, the first time you encounter Psions and you realize their ability is to, basically, split– they multiply like bunnies. So the first thing that happens: people walk in, they see The Taken Psion, they see the Ultra Knight."

Leonid Melikhov: Instead of being told.

Luke Timmins: I mean, I’m going to tell you this one more thing. The Dreadnaught– let’s talk about the Dreadnaught for a minute. So the Dreadnaught to us, it is the same thing with Strikes or with anything else we do. We are trying to be– it’s our first new destination. For us it’s the next iteration of how we make destinations, right?

Leonid Melikhov: Of course.

Luke Timmins: We got a lot of feedback on our destinations. People are like, “hey, they’re sort of static. I’d like to have more sort of dynamic stuff here.” So for us– what I hope is there are mysteries and secrets on the Dreadnaught that we are not going to talk about because I want people to discover them.

Leonid Melikhov: Right. Because if you tell people everything then there is no point–

Luke Timmins: Yeah. There’s no point. I’m going to give you the “hands off” answer and be like, we know it’s important. I’m super excited for people to play it. They’re doing a lot of play-testing at Bungie about it. But that’s all I’m going to say about the Raid.

Leonid Melikhov: That sounds good.

Luke Timmins: Because I like my thumb.

Leonid Melikhov: Let’s see here. What was I going to ask you? I forget. Trying to remember. Raids went through, loot went through, uh…

Luke Timmins: I’ve also had a lot of people come in– like they’ll come in just like you’re doing and they’ll be like, “What the fuck? The Taken. You just dipped them in black paint.” I’m like, “Have you played The Taken?” And the reason is, because I’m actually really proud– I think the teams really proud of The Taken. Because the cool thing about The Taken is, like, for people they’ll take the Psion, right? So the Psion– most people who have played Destiny, they’re sort of these– you know, they’re somewhat lethal, but they’re mostly like popcorn guys you’re used to just shooting.

They’re sort of like ads. When you go play the demo, The Taken King, the first time you encounter Psions and you realize their ability is to, basically, split– they multiply like bunnies. So the first thing that happens: people walk in, they see The Taken Psion, they see the Ultra Knight. They start shooting the Ultra Knight and then they look to their left and there’s like 15 of them. Like, “Ah, oh god!” And then they kill them. And I’m like– so I’m actually like, I think the team. No. I’m not “I think.” The team is really proud of the work for The Taken. And I think it’s hard to show it with stills, so I really want people to play it. And then you can tell me. You can tell me later.

Destiny The Taken King_01

"For the Night stalker, I’m super excited to have another support class to be playing that. I actually have my level 34 Hunter just waiting just for this. I’m really excited for that. I’m excited for people to see the Dreadnaught. I think it’s going to be cool."

Leonid Melikhov: Okay. Now for the expansions you guys released, you have House of Wolves and Dark Below. None of these had additional Achievements or Trophies. And with this one being a big expansion will people see something more to get other than Platinum?

Luke Timmins: You are actually the third person to ask me that. I actually do not know.

Leonid Melikhov: You don’t know?

Luke Timmins: And I don’t actually know if you know either about additional Achievements or Trophies. I actually do not know.

Third Person: Yeah. I don’t think we are talking about it.

Luke Timmins: I don’t think we are talking about it. So I don’t actually know.

Leonid Melikhov: Because from what it seems like, this is more of an actual bigger expansion as opposed to, “here’s a content patch with a name.”

Luke Timmins: This is absolutely a major expansion. It is bigger than both previous new releases.

Leonid Melikhov: So I’m assuming with a major thing you’re adding on top?

Luke Timmins: I can tell you everything but the content.

Leonid Melikhov: That’s fine.

Luke Timmins: You’re the first person to ask me and I’m like, “Oh, God! I’m not going to know!”

Leonid Melikhov: It would make logical sense to me. What are you looking forward to the most? People exploring the game, people playing the game, I mean. Actually, what feature are you most excited for in The Taken King? I know there are a lot of things, but…

Luke Timmins: For me personally, I absolutely meant it when I said it, like, I really like playing support classes. I love it. Like my Titan– I love being the guy, like when we are going to go play PVE and someone’s like, “we need a fucking Titan.” I’m like, “yo, I got a Titan.” For the Night stalker, I’m super excited to have another support class to be playing that. I actually have my level 34 Hunter just waiting just for this. I’m really excited for that. I’m excited for people to see the Dreadnaught. I think it’s going to be cool.

Back to your previous question. With everything that we’ve released with Destiny in Alpha, Beta, every single one, I think myself– like a lot of people– you sort of sit back and you’re like, “God, I hope people like it.” At the end of the day we do this so people can play and have fun with their friends, smile and be happy. I’ve been sitting here watching people come in playing the opening of The Taken King, just looking at their faces. Because I’m like, “I hope they’re having fun.” At the end of the day, when you are buying The Taken King, my hope is when you see it you’re like, “I’m going to take my Guardian, and I’m going to go off on a new adventure with my friends–”

Leonid Melikhov: And have fun.

Luke Timmins: Yeah, “and have fun.”

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is Adding Cross-Play, 12 New Subclasses in 2025

Baldur’s Gate 3 is Adding Cross-Play, 12 New Subclasses in 2025

Each class will receive a brand new subclass when Patch 8 lands next year, including the Swashbuckler, Hexblad...

Aliens: Dark Descent is Now Available Via Game Pass

Aliens: Dark Descent is Now Available Via Game Pass

Tindalos Interactive and Focus Entertainment's real-time tactics title is available with PS Plus in December, ...

It Takes Two, Aliens: Dark Descent, and Temtem Coming to PS Plus Essential in December

It Takes Two, Aliens: Dark Descent, and Temtem Coming to PS Plus Essential in December

Premium subscribers can look forward to Sly 2: Band of Thieves, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, and Jak and Daxter...

15 BEST Linear Games of All Time [2024 Edition]

15 BEST Linear Games of All Time [2024 Edition]

Some linear games are faulty, but there is no denying that there is a certain charm in this genre of video gam...

15 Story-Heavy Games of 2024 and Beyond

15 Story-Heavy Games of 2024 and Beyond

Nothing makes single player amazing better than a really good story. This feature lists fifteen already releas...