Dragon Quest Heroes 2 will launch on PS4 soon, but if you aren’t sold on it yet, and would rather first see whether the action game spin off will be worth your while, the good news is that Square Enix is making it easy for you to do that- a demo for the game is now available to download on the PSN Store.
The demo is around 4.8GB, and lets you play as four of the 15 playable heroes from the full game’s story mode, including series newcomers Lazarel and Teresa. As of right now, it is unclear whether or not data from the demo will transfer over into the final game- although it would be great if it did, really.
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 will launch on PlayStation 4 and PC on April 28 in North America and Europe. A version of the game is also available on Nintendo Switch in Japan, but so far, that one has not been confirmed for a localization or western release.
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