Vanillaware’s Dragon’s Crown is getting an HD remaster in the form of Dragon’s Crown – Pro and it will be coming to PlayStation 4. The remaster will be out in Japan on January 25th 2018. The first trailer for the game showcased the game’s visuals compared to the PS3 version and they look fairly improved. Check it out below.
Interestingly, along with improvements to the visuals, Atlus confirmed that the PS4 version would have cross-platform online multiplayer support. You can play with PS3 and PlayStation Vita owners though we’re not sure if cross-buy is supported.
It’s also not confirmed whether the remaster will have new content. If you look at Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, another Vanillaware title that was remastered for PS4, there were a number of new features added. Perhaps Dragon’s Crown – Pro will go down the same route.
Vanillaware also showcased 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim at Sony’s pre-Tokyo Game Show presser which will be out in 2018 for Japan.