There have been rumblings of an Activision created Wii exclusive Goldeneye remake for quite some time now. Now, on the brink of Nintendo’s E3 showing today, it appears that the secret might have been leaked. seem to have leaked what appears to be a very legitimate trailer for the Goldeneye Wii exclusive. It seems to confirm many of the initial rumours- it’s coming this November, it has the likenss of Daniel Craig, and hell, from the trailer, it looks like the developers made a special attempt to retain everything that made the N64 version so great.
You can check out the awesome trailer below:
Most likely, we’ll have confirmation of this later in the day, during Nintendo’s E3 showing. Watch this space.
UPDATE: Nintendo Everything confirms that the video has been deleted from IGN, where it allegedly first appeared. Similarly, no trace of the video is to be found on YouTube. Odd…