Fable III is looking like it is going to be one of the top role playing games this year. With the talented LionHead studios burning the midnight oil to get this game ready, we at GamingBolt decided to do a high definition screen shot comparison to give an indication as to how Fable 3 stacks up with Fable 2. So let’s have a look.
Note: Click the image to see it in full screen. First image is from Fable 2 and the second one from Fable 3 in each of the respective comparisons.
Comparison 1
In the first round let’s take a look at how the two games look with similar infrastructure and environment. The one thing I really liked about the Fable 3 screen shot is the simulation of water. The water touching pillars and the walls seems much more realistic in Fable 3 as compared to Fable 2. In the Fable 2 screenshot, the objects don’t seem to be immersed inside the river. Also the shadow effects are much more prominent in Fable 3, like the shadows falling on the opposite structure which is almost absent in Fable 2.
Comparison 2
Let’s see how the game compares when a combat sequence is going on. The obvious object which catches the eye is the magical glow in these screens. Fable 2 magic powers look a wee bit low resolution compared to the much “shinier” magic effect in Fable 3. This screenshot also gives us fair idea on how the enemies look. The low resolution grass and clothes of the enemies are a bit off put compared to a much more detailed look in Fable 3. The equipments, guns and the magic effects are much more prominent in Fable 3.
Comparison 3
Now let’s see how the characters look up close and personal. We often see a huge graphical jump between two generations of gaming, but a transition from Fable 2 to Fable 3 is pretty big as well, as evident from the screenshot. This screenshot of Fable 3 almost makes the Fable 2 one like a PlayStation 2 game. The character modeling, high resolution textures and much better looking backgrounds makes Fable 3 a distant winner.
As seen from the screenshot comparison, Fable 3 is looking like it will easily trump its predecessor graphically. Look for more about Fable 3 in the coming months on GamingBolt.