It feels like it’s been forever since we got the last mainline Final Fantasy, but the upcoming new generation of consoles will bring us Final Fantasy 16, recently announced at the last major Sony event. The game looks to have something of a darker feel than what we’ve become accustomed to with the legendary series, though we haven’t seen a whole lot since then. Now we got a few more details about its story as well as how it plays.
In the latest issues of Famitsu, Producer Yoshi-P and Director Takai Hiroshi dropped some new details for us. They confirmed that the main protagonist of the game is a knight, the one who yells, “Stop, stop it! He’s my brother,” in the trailer. He’s protecting Joshua, a young boy who uses fire spells and is the one called the “Phoenix,”, though it’s unclear if he is actually the main protagonist’s brother being referred to. In the world of 16, humans must use crystals to survive and the primary conflict is about something called the Mother Crystal.
In regards to the combat, they confirmed it was an action RPG. You’ll be able to shift warp and incorporate summons into your attacks. Besides Phoenix and Ifirit, who make up the logo of the game, they also confirm other summons such as Shiva and Titan. Other familiar FF elements will be in the game, many of which were seen in the reveal trailer such as the Chocobo and Malboro. Thanks to Twitter user Audrey for transcribing and translating the article.
Final Fantasy 16 is currently announced for PlayStation 5. Recent entries at Square’s career pages indicate basic development on the game has finished, so hopefully it won’t be too far off.
The latest Famitsu magazine has some new info on Final Fantasy 16 + new comments from Yoshi-P and Takai!
-Protagonist IS the one who says (re: Joshua) "Stop! He's my younger brother!"
-Humans cannot live w/o crystals
-Staff are working towards completion of the game.
— ☆オードリーAudrey☆ (@aitaikimochi) October 9, 2020