Check out the full HD Video Walkthrough and Game Guide for Gears Of War 3.
Complete Gears Of War 3’s single player campaign with the help of this video guide.
***Please note this walkthrough was not uploaded by
Special thanks to Youtube user XCVii007r1.
Developed by renowned studio Epic Games exclusively for Xbox 360, Gears of War 3 is the climactic conclusion to one of the most celebrated and memorable sagas in gaming history. The last bastion of humanity lies in ruins, and amidst the shattered remnants of civilisation and ominous whispers of almost certain extinction, Marcus Fenix and Delta Squad must take up their Lancers and make one final stand for survival against the cataclysmic threat of the infected Lambent horde.
Check out more video game walkthroughs here.
Without further ado, let’s begin!