Halo 4 comes out on November 6th for the Xbox 360, and we know for a fact that the game looks incredible, and is a massive boost as far as the visuals are concerned. However, let’s take a look back at all the amazing Halo games to have been released so far; no no, don’t worry, you don’t have to read a lot of text here, just enjoy the splattering of 56 images we have for you that shows the series’ evolution from Halo 1 which came out a decade ago to Halo 4 that will release soon.
Halo 3 was launched after the Xbox 360 came out, and Halo 4 will be a fitting swansong for the system, so take a look at all these images (via Reddit) that we have arranged for your viewing pleasure.
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Next Page: Halo 3, Halo Wars and Halo 3: ODST
Third Page: Halo Reach and Halo Combat Evolved: Anniversary
Fourth Page: Halo 4
Halo 1:
Halo 2: