43 Industries has posted a blog post where they have talked about the Easter Eggs in last year’s critically acclaimed Halo 4. They say that gamers have still not found all the Easter Eggs in the game and have given some clues so that they can find them all.
Lead campaign designer Jesse Snyder wrote this on Halo Waypoint: “The Halo 4 Campaign still contains many secrets left uncovered,” and added, “Did you find any secrets as you played through Campaign? Initially, fans found many things that they thought were Easter eggs.
“Discovering that, in fact, many were still hidden, we were relieved. Avid secret hunters claimed that some of our treasures would be found within days of launching the game. ‘Certainly, they’ll find them any day now,’ we thought. Time would prove both us the aforementioned secret hunters wrong.
“Act quickly and maybe you’ll find an easter egg on your own, but that time is about to pass. We’ve decided to give you some hints to help you uncover our secrets, without telling you where they are outright.
“Additionally, we’ll be giving you more hints in future Bulletins. Knowing how well we’ve hidden our easter eggs, it only seems fair. Even though this may sound cliché, ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again.’ Never stop searching. Some secrets might be right in front of you.”
Well maybe if you still play Halo 4, you could find them all, but considering the game is hyped up anymore, there probably won’t be enough people who may give the single player another try again. It would be nice to see what Easter Eggs are in the game, though.
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