The Halo series is probably the second most popular thing that Microsoft is known for. The first instalment in the series was a touchstone for FPS games with a brilliant concept and an excellently implemented gameplay.
Subsequent iterations of the game had carried on the legacy with some severely egregious acts on Microsoft’s parts (PC users are still crying; no matter how trite this may be getting, we are). Even so, with such success of the Halo series, it had become a bit redundant over the years. Yes, we were happy that the developers had maintained the ‘good ol’ ’ Halo feel of the games, but it gradually became really redundant. Halo 5 has a lot of room to improve but the developers have kept a veil over things so again, we’re here to speculate and share our expectations. There’s a lot that Halo 5 needs to have. Here’s 15 of the following.
15. Better Graphics
That’s a prerequisite. With the new generation of consoles, 343 has to drastically improve the aesthetics of the game. Halo 4 had had really good graphics but this time it has to surpass expectations.
Why it’s worth mention is because recently Watch Dogs was quite a disappointment especially after what Ubisoft had let on. There hasn’t been any official gameplay footage for Halo 5 but at E3 2014, a lot of expectations are looked forward to be met.