Josh Holmes, the extremely reliable Studio Head for Halo 5: Guardians that will often respond to your enquiries on Twitter, was online recently to answer questions that were put to him by players of the games Beta build. When a user asked him how difficult it would be to have individual weapon tuning for weaponry in custom game modes, Holmes responded “That would be very tough for a host of different reasons.” but he failed to elaborate, either out of an assumed explanation in his words or because of the obvious character limit is for you to decide.
Another user asked about using a system outside of CSR (Competitive Skill Rank) systems that punish players for having a great performance on a losing team. Holmes simply said “Our challenge is to provide matches with equal skill. We still have a ways to go from beta.”
Holmes also made it known to an original rocket launcher fan that both tubes, old and new, will be available when he said “we’ll have both”. Finally, Holmes also admitted that AFK players (which means Away From Keyboard, and it should be changed to Away From Controller if you ask me) are indeed a problem. Briefly addressing the problem he said “AFK is an issue we need to look at for sure.”
@TTUVAPOR That would be very tough for a host of different reasons.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) February 6, 2015
@Manhood_Magic Our challenge is to provide matches with equal skill. We still have a ways to go from beta.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) February 6, 2015
@SamDoo6 We’ll have both.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) February 6, 2015
@Anabolic_Sean AFK is an issue we need to look at for sure.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) February 6, 2015