Josh Holmes, Studio Head for Halo 5 Guardians has once more taken to twitter to answer questions from the masses as well as drop some information. First of all, as if you didn’t see this coming, Mr Holmes has confirmed the existence of a Limited Edition Halo 5 Xbox One console. Here’s hoping it’s not green. He said, “There is a limited edition console coming, yes. It hasn’t been revealed yet, but it’s pretty sweet. :)”
He also told another Twitter user that “there are no plans for another H5 beta”. That doesn’t mean another one won’t happen, only that there are no plans in place at this time. Live in hope young Spartan. Being frustratingly vague, when asked how well the Locke Trailer represented player movement and verticality in the campaign, he responded, “The Campaign and MP have both been designed around the Spartan Abilities.”
When quizzed on the armour systems, asking if they were similar to Reach or Halo 4, Holmes responded, “We have a new progression & unlock system for H5.” Possibly hinting at some sort of Call of Duty esque progression system, though this likely only applies to aesthetic unlocks.
Finally, commenting on the Dedicated Servers for Halo 5, when asked if there will be “no P2P fallback” in Halo 5 Holmes said, “That’s right. We have no P2P in H5.”
@juliocurt There is a limited edition console coming, yes. It hasn’t been revealed yet, but it’s pretty sweet. 🙂
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) April 26, 2015
@Banamyy There are no plans for another H5 beta.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) April 24, 2015
@Nicodemus9 The Campaign and MP have both been designed around the Spartan Abilities.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) April 22, 2015
@Renyoudie We have a new progression & unlock system for H5.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) April 22, 2015
@Bobrovsky33 That’s right. We have no P2P in H5.
— Josh Holmes (@JoshingtonState) April 22, 2015