The Game Awards are just a few hours away, but here we have another addition to the ‘will he, won’t he’ saga of Kojima showing up at The Game Awards, and possibly announcing something new and major- like maybe, a third chapter in his just released, decidedly unfinished Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain? We had recently heard that Kojima was still in Japan, and contrary to rumors, wouldn’t show up at The Game Awards after all, but now, we’re not so sure about that.
You see, The Phantom Pain won multiple awards at the PlayStation Awards ceremony in Japan, an event that is held to felicitate the highest selling games on PlayStation platforms. But Kojima wasn’t there to receive the awards– the prizes were received by Public Relations General Manager Emiko Yoneda and Public Relations Lead Jiro Oishi.
What could this mean? Is Kojima in Japan, or not? If he is, why didn’t he attend the ceremony? I understand he allegedly has longstanding issues with Konami, but still, you’d think he would be there to receive his award.
And if he is not there… where is he? Is he in the US? Will he, or will he not, announce something at The Game Awards?