Joining an already insatiable roster, Eurogame have announced Square Enix’s Tomb Raider and Hitman: Absolution will be playable to attendees of this year’s Eurogamer Expo.
Already announced to be playable at Eurogamer are Capcom’s Resident Evil 6, DmC, Lost Planet 3, as well as Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed 3, Fary Cry 3, Rocksmith and Just Dance 4. Many more titles are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.
This year’s Eurogamer Expo runs from 27-30 September at Earls Court in London. For more information about this year’s expo visit the Eurogamer Expo website, with day passes starting at as little as £9, with the 4-day Super Pass with Early Entry coming in at £50. Individual early entry tickets have already sold out, so act fast if you want to get your hands on a whole slather of yet-to-be-released excellence.
Hitman: Absolution is set for a 20 November release on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.
Tomb Raider is currently slated for a 5 March 2013 release on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.