Kalypso has announced that they will release a new DLC pack for Tropico 4 for both the Xbox 360 and PC. Dubbed “The Junta”, the new DLC pack will be available for 400MSP on the Xbox Live on the 9th November and via the Kalypso Launcher for PC on the 11th November for £3.49/€3.99.
The military-themed Junta DLC includes –
- New Building: “Bunker” – functions like a larger and more expensive Guard Station, does not require generals, houses five soldiers.
- Character Trait: Veteran (Avatar performs better in battle, improved militarist respect)
- Character Outfit / Vanity Item: Dress Uniform (female)
- Decoration Items: Guard booth, Small observation tower, Camouflaged ammo depot, Concrete barricades, APC
- Mission theme: “New Sparta” – build a militaristic society while being constantly pressured by the rebels