Does the closing of Team Bondi mean the end of LA Noire? ‘Not necessarily,’ say Rockstar (essentially). In a recent Q&A post on the company website, Rockstar responded to Dezpoztomuz eloquently phrased question – “Hey R* is there gonna be something more about L.A. Noire?” – with this: ” Don’t count out the possibility of a new game in the L.A. Noire franchise in the future. We simply have not decided anything. We’re all very pleased with how that game turned out and are considering what the future may hold for L.A. Noire as a series. We don’t always rush to make sequels, but that does not mean we won’t get to them eventually – see Max and Red Dead for evidence of that – we have so many games we want to make and the issue is always one of bandwidth and timing.”
Is this anything concrete? No, but at best the information will create some hope for fans of jazz and snazzy suits everywhere. At worst, it will spawn a dozen speculative articles…