Mass Effect Andromeda looks set to take Bioware’s classic role playing series into new, previously uncharted frontiers. Fans are understandably excited about what the new game might bring to the table- but there’s also some (totally understandable) trepidation, especially since Bioware also has a history of trying to change the formulas of their games, and losing what made them special to begin with.
However, speaking to a fan on Twitter, Aaryn Flynn, GM of Bioware, was reassuring in that regard- he said that the new game would keep what had made the original trilogy so special despite the fact that many of the original team members have moved on from Bioware. “Ultimately, that’ll be up to those who play it, but I think it has a ton of what made the [original] trilogy special,” he said.
He also talked about the PS4 Pro version of the game, noting that the game will look spectacular on the new system- even if users lack 4K or HDR. Which should be good for a lot of people, because there is a lot of confusion in the marketplace regarding 4K and HDR monitors and standards, and I can understand a lot of people not wanting to spring money for a TV just yet.