An independent developer has been working on an Unreal Engine 4 remake of the best stealth game ever: 1998’s Metal Gear Solid. Airam Hernandez, the man behind the remake has been working on this project for several months and has also released a trailer (which looks fantastic by the way) but it must be noted that Konami owns the IP and they can shut down the project.
In 2014, a similar project was shut down by Konami after a team of developers were working on the remake of the original Metal Gear (the one released in 1987). It must be noted that Konami first greenlit the project but then decided to back out. Furthermore, Konami also shut down Metal Gear Philanthropy 2 a follow up to an amazing fan made Metal Gear Solid movie. In short, Konami is serious about its IP and understandabli so.
However the developer who is working on the remake is teasing new information about the game. You can check out the series of tweets below but I am speculating that the project has possibly been greelit by Konami, which means that they can go ahead with the remake. It may also mean that Konami is officially funding this project but this is most likely off the cards since the Japanese company won’t outsource its famous series to an unknown entity.
We will see how it all pans out and we will keep you updated as this builds.
Big news behind the scenes, things are getting exciting on our end! Watch this space #MGSRemake
— The Fan Legacy: MGS (@ShadowMosesGame) February 1, 2016
@StefanoTini1 I wish we could, just keep your eyes peeled!
— The Fan Legacy: MGS (@ShadowMosesGame) February 1, 2016
Something major is brewing at the moment if we can make it happen, our lips our welded shut though! #MGSRemake
— The Fan Legacy: MGS (@ShadowMosesGame) January 27, 2016
The amount of important, awesome people this project has allowed us to contact has really showed us how many people want this game to happen
— The Fan Legacy: MGS (@ShadowMosesGame) January 28, 2016