There’s very little doubt that there is going to be a big demand for VR technology once it hits the market in a big way. What remains to be seen is just how big that demand will be once people start seeing the price tags for this tech. In particular, the Microsoft HoloLens isn’t going to be cheap. The New York Times reports it has talked to one Microsoft exec who said the price will be “significantly more than a games console.”
That means the Microsoft is looking to roll out its Virtual Reality headset with an MSRP that will be upwards of $300. Some might balk at that price, though it should be pointed out that price looks to be in line with other companies’ VR tech. The Oculus Rift developement kit currently sells for somewhere in the neighborhood of $350 and it stands to reason the HoloLens will be in that price range.
Of course, $350 won’t really be “significantly more” than a games console. That means we could be looking at a pricetag upwards of $400. At that price, will gamers still decide it’s worth the money? Only time will give us a definitive answer to that question. Microsoft is clearly hoping that the things the HoloLens can do will be well worth a price that might scare consumers at first. The company has already stated that the goal of the technology is to “blend your digital world with your real world.” If the device can pull this off, there may not be a price asked for the Microsoft HoloLens that people wouldn’t pay.