As previously reported on, the hacker group known across the internet H4LT claimed responsibility for leaking the Xbox One Development tools alongside its documentation. However the documentation came along with a few surprises, revealing that a seventh core that was previously off limits to developers as it was reserved exclusively for running background operations, is now available for use, according to a report by EuroGamer.
Prior to the leaks, since October in fact, developers were allowed access to 50% to 80% to this seventh core which is likely responsible for the Xbox One having comparable performance with the PS4 for some games released in last quarter of 2014. However in order to achieve this performance boost, some features must be sacrificed such as the voice commands that are used with Kinect. This does however include the admittedly rather useful “Xbox Record That” feature.
It’s worth noting that an extra core to use doesn’t actually mean you’re guaranteed increased performance or better games, that falls to the development team and their use of the tools offered to them. With any amount of luck this will help bring the Xbox One back into the game a bit more.