Ever since that famous E3 2005 technical demonstration of Final Fantasy VII was released, gamers around the world have been literally begging for a Final Fantasy VII remake. Square Enix have denied on numerous occasions that they will not be re-making the 1997 PlayStation One classic. But according to a recent interview conducted by siliconera.com, has revealed that Motomu Toriyama, Director of Final Fantasy XIII, that he might actually be interested in remaking the game.
When asked that which game he would want to remake the most. He replied:
That would be Final Fantasy VII! If we had the manpower and the time to work on a project, if we were to remake Final Fantasy VII with the quality of Final Fantasy XIII it would become a tremendous project. If we can get the number of people we need by all means that would be the one I would really want to remake.
So the only issues that are holding back a Final Fantasy VII remake is manpower and time. Considering the fact that Square Enix releases their Final Fantasy games (the canonical ones), in 2-3 years, those issues might actually be pretty major ones. However, it seems that our prayers might actually be getting answered very soon.