Games that always require your console to be online can be a limiting experience for multiple reasons, and news that some games will require persistent internet connections is hardly ever met with enthusiasm. With Need for Speed Heat, however, that is not going to be an issue.
Speaking with Twinfinite, Ghost Games confirmed that Need for Speed Heat can be played entirely offline if players wish to do so. That said, playing online can have its own advantages. When playing online, the game’s open world is also occupied by other players, and you can try and use them to distract cops and shake them off your tail. If another player has a higher heat level than you (basically their wanted level, which you can read more about through here), you can lead cops in their direction and they’ll start chasing the other player instead.
Recently, it was also confirmed that Need for Speed Heat won’t have any loot boxes. The game is out on November 8 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Make sure to check out its recent gameplay debut trailer.