As we get closer to the release of the Fallout 4 DLC we’re getting a slow trickle of more information about what we can expect. This trickle is largely coming straight from the horse’s mouth in the form of Pete Hines who was busy earlier this week answering questions on Twitter.
Among the questions that Hines took on, was whether or not the DLC is going to be hurt anyone’s experience who has not chosen a faction just yet. The director answered, “it works no matter how you approach it. there comes a point where you’ll have to pick sides in all of this” and that the game will prompt the player when that happens. Another DLC question covered when we might actually see some trailers for the new content, and Hines said we won’t be seeing any footage until we got closer to the content’s prospective launches.
Another issue he took quite a few questions about was just when the creation kit for console mods was going to be released. It doesn’t appear there is an actual date yet, “we’re getting things out as soon as we can get them done. not going to hold DLC if we finish it because of CK.” He added there is no plan to disallow any kind of mods for Fallout 4 as there are a lot of unofficial ones already available.
@TallulahSoie it works no matter how you approach it. there comes a point where you'll have to pick sides in all of this
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) February 19, 2016
@TallulahSoie any time you hit a "you're picking sides based on what you do here" there's a prompt that lets you know
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) February 19, 2016
@_Fallout_4_You_ close to their respective launches
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) February 18, 2016
@InfamousCaribou we're getting things out as soon as we can get them done. not going to hold DLC if we finish it because of CK
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) February 18, 2016
@RevengencerAlf to cover all platforms. No plan to disallow anything. Unofficial mods have already been out a while
— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) February 16, 2016