April will end on a photogenic note with New Pokemon Snap. The Switch title revives the cult classic entry in the series that will see you riding on rails and snapping all kinds of photos of various Pokemon. Nintendo has been marketing the various aspects of the game you’ll be able to experience, such as its branching paths, and now we get some brief teasers to give you an idea of what your adventure will be like.
The two commercials are each 30 seconds in length, with one featuring the female trainer and the other the male. Both give you a general idea of what kind of Pokemon you’ll be taking photos of, as well as the various locations you’ll be riding through. Check both out in full below.
New Pokemon Snap will release only on the Switch on April 30th. You can check out information on the game’s file size through here, as well as read through some features you’ll want to know about before the game’s official launch here.