While Nintendo isn’t letting much information go about what they’re planning with their next console, we’re getting more and more rumors floating around the Nintendo NX. Last week we heard about the fact that EA is looking to support the next generation console. Now it appears that the remake for Final Fantasy VII might be heading towards the NX.
Nintendo Enthusiast is reporting that a recent Nintendo Direct might have spilled the beans on the game coming to the new console. Of course, the company didn’t specifically lay out why Final Fantasy VII would be coming to the NX but there were some other hints that were laid out. The big news that was officially revealed that Cloud Strife is coming to Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. His arrival could signify that a relationship between Square Enix and Nintendo which wasn’t exactly happy and healthy is getting repaired.
If that’s the case, this new repaired relationship could actually mean there will be actual Square Enix games coming to Nintendo’s upcoming platform. Paired with this new character, a repaired relationship and comments already made by Square that Dragon Quest XI, and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn are likely coming to the console. When you also take into account that Final Fantasy VII is not exclusive to the PS4 but simply landing on that console first, it appears the pieces are falling into place for it’s arrival on the Nintendo NX.