While the rest of the industry, including Microsoft’s Phil Spencer, have so far taken the time to comment on the Nintendo Switch (everyone appears to be very positive on this new system, as opposed to how things were in the lead up to the Wii U), so far, Sony executives hadn’t sounded off on the Switch. But now they have.
In the wake of the PlayStation Experience, Sony Worldwide Studios head Shuhei Yoshida sat down with Digital Spy and shared his thoughts about the upcoming new Nintendo system. His take? It’s very unique0 and apparently unique enough that it can co-exist with PlayStation.
“I think it’s a very unique system. It’s very interesting that they’ve designed the system to work well with more conventional games in terms of inputs and buttons. So I think it’s good for core gamers and their marketing message focused on that,” he said. “I think they’re going to cover a new market for themselves.”
Sony will undoubtedly be hoping the Switch takes off, because in its present form, it represents the last hope for the Japanese core gaming market- the Wii U failed, the PS4 failed, and while the 3DS did well, it is almost six years old, and slowing down massively. The Switch being successful could mean the Japanese dedicated gaming market gets a shot in the arm.