Nintendo has previously stated an aim to have as many as 20-30 games release on the Switch on a weekly basis, which sounds crazy- but the console already has a rather unprecedented pace of releases. ResetEra poster Atheerios recently noted that, per Nintendo’s own website, the Nintendo Switch’s total library count, at 1,065 games, is set to eclipse the 3DS’s, which is at 1,254- except, the 3DS has had the last seven and a half years to get to that number, while the Switch has had a year and a half.
The Switch has already exceeded the Wii U’s total count, which was 1,041; the true test lies in the DS and Wii, which have 1,830 and 1,755 games released over their lifetimes respectively. Given the pace of releases on the Switch, plus the indie and digital game explosion, it’s not unreasonable to suppose that the final count on the hybrid system will be far beyond those numbers, which is truly remarkable.
It certainly puts Nintendo in a strong long term position- they have, finally, cultivated a healthy ecosystem for games and software on their platform.