Nioh Mega Guide- Farming Amrita, Beating Bosses, Collectibles, Trophies, and More

A complete guide for Nioh.

Posted By | On 16th, Feb. 2017

Nioh Mega Guide- Farming Amrita, Beating Bosses, Collectibles, Trophies, and More

At long last, Nioh is now finally out. The game is superlative, providing a thoroughly compelling spin on the traditional Dark Souls formula, with exhilarating moment to moment combat and gameplay- but it is also a thoroughly intimidating game, with a dizzying array of options and choices, and reams upon reams of content.

It can actually be a bit overwhelming to keep track of Nioh, and all that it has to offer. And if you ever find yourself stuck that way, if you ever find yourself needing help figuring something or the other in the game out, we’re here to help. That’s where this guide comes in. In this guide, we show you how to defeat all bosses, show you where to get all collectibles, walk you through the skills in the game, walk you through the armor, weapons, and spirits in the game, walk you through the items in the game, teach you how to farm Amrita, and have a section dedicated to hunting down all the Trophies.

You with us? Then let’s get started.


There are over 40 different bosses for you to square off against in Nioh– and a lot of them are viciously difficult, and can give you a lot of grief if you don’t know what you are doing. With this section of the guide, however, that won’t be a problem.

Derrick the Executioner

The first boss fight in the game, right at the end of the prologue. This is an extremely simple boss fight that resolves itself in a couple of minutes with some quick dodging and heavy attacks.


The boss found on the Isle of Demons, Onroyoki is significantly harder than Derrick.


The boss fight in the ‘Deep in the Shadows’ mission, Hino-enma is arguably the hardest boss in the game, and will punish sloppy players.


The boss in The Spirit Stone Slumbers mission can be taken out with some quick and deft combos and clever use of the relevant items.

Tachibana Muneshige

Another boss in The Spirit Stone Slumbers, another one that can be dispatched with reasonable ease.

Tachibana Muneshige

Tachibana Muneshige shows up in The Invitation From The Warrior of the West, too. He’s still not all that hard to take down, either.

Great Centipede

This boss is the stuff of nightmares. Showing up in The Silver Mine Writhes, he is among the harder bosses in the game.


Showing up in The Ocean Roars again, Umi-bozu, the spirit of the water, is one of the most vicious bosses in the game.

Marume Nagayoshi

The first boss in The Way of the Warrior is one of the easiest, quickest battles in the game.

Hattori Hanzo

On the other hand, it’s not like the second boss in The Way of the Warrior is actually difficult, either.


Joro-Gumo is encountered in Spider Neck Castle, and while can provide a bit of challenge upfront, is actually fairly easy if you don’t rush into things and take your time to observe attack patterns and movements. The video below should be able to help you with that.


In Falling Snow, you come across one of this game’s harder bosses. Humanoid Yuki-Onna is as quick, devious, and unpredictable as you, and she is cold and merciless. Yuki-Onna is hard to take down, but the exhilaration from finally getting rid of her makes her one of the bes tbosses in the game.


Onryoki returns in Demon Hunting! … and he’s still not too difficult.

Ii Naomasa

Ii Naomasais encountered in The Red Oni of Ii and is another humanoid boss. This one, however, is relatively easier to take down.

Nue of Mount Hiei

Fight Nue again in The Demon of Mount Hiei. The fight isn’t actually any harder, and you should be able to get through it with ease.

White Tiger

The second boss in The Demon of Mount Hiei is far harder than your second encounter with Nue- up to this point in the game, White Tiger will probably be the hardest foe you encounter.

Giant Toad

Yes, this boss is exactly what the name suggests it is. No, it is not difficult. It’s a bit of a joke.

Marume Nagayoshi

This is the Marume Nagayoshi Boss Fight in the dojo mission “The Way of the Warrior: Veteran”.

Hattori Hanzo

Hattori Hanzo is back for another beating at our hands in this Dojo mission.


Onryoki shows up again in the side mission Greater Demon Hunting. At this point, he’s just getting good at getting his ass handed to him by you.


One of the hardest, most intense, most terrifying boss battles in the game, Ogress can be an absolute pain to take down, even if you know what you are doing. If you don’t, then you’re in even bigger trouble.

Honda Tadakatsu

On the other end of things we have this dude, who is probably the easiest boss in the game. Well, not counting the Prologue boss, that is.


Okatsu is the boss in The Defiled Castle, and is a reasonably difficult boss, but one who never poses an unfair threat to you.

Giant Toad

This. Again.

Honda Tadakatsu

Honda Tadakatsu returns in Champion of the East, and is still a total walk in the park.

Saika Magoichi

This fire type boss is in Immortal Flame, and feasts and thrives on fire and flames. Try to not use explosives.


Hino-enma returns in the side mission The Silent Crow- and is not quite as difficult this time.

Otani Yoshitsugu

Otani Yoshitsugu is as difficult as the name is to say. Otani Yoshitsugu shows up in the mission Sekigahara, and can be taken down with relative ease.

Shima Sakon

Another boss in Sekigahara, and another one that shouldn’t take you too long to take down.


Gasha-dokuro shows up in The Source of Evil. Whether or not he is the source of evil remains to be seen, but he is a royal pain in the hindside for sure. Definitel qualifies as one of the hardest bosses in the game.

Saika Magoichi

Saika Magoichi returns in the side mission The Watcher In Darkness. At this point, you know what to do.

Ishida Mitsunari

Ishida Mitsunari shows up in The Defiled Holy Mountain, and does not pull punches at all.

Obsidian Samurai

In The Samurai From Sawayama, you face off against the Obsidian Samurai in a fierce battle.

Oda Nobunaga

One could almost say this fight is *puts on sunglasses* Nobunga’s Ambition. Ba dum tiss.

No, but seriously, this is a pretty damn hard battle.


Kelley is the boss in The Demon King Revealed, and after Nobunga, almost comes as a bit of a respite.

Yagyu Sekishusai

Yagyu Sekishusai shows up in the Mystic Art Sword quest, Zen And Sword Are One.

Ashikaga Yoshiteru

Another Mystic Art quest boss.

Hozoin Inei

Another Mystic Art quest boss.

Sakata Kintoki

Another Mystic Art boss.

Shisenin Kosen

Another Mystic Art boss.


Both ending bosses are here. Remember, these videos have spoilers.


Leveling up in this game is handled in much the same way as it is in Dark Souls– you kill enemies to collect Amrita, which you can then invest into raising  specific skill by 1 point. Each time you do so, your level rises by 1 as well. Amrita can also be used to obtain other things through the game.

Naturally, this makes Amrita a precious and valuable commodity (although there is no end to it in the game at all)- so you’ll want as much of it, as soon as possible. The videos below walk you through the quickest way of farming Amrita, which should help you out with grinding some levels, fast. Remember, some of these techniques may need you to have progressed a further bit into the game.


This guide will tell you where you can find the Kodama in each mission. Remember, you need to take them back to the shrine safe and unharmed before they will add to the bonuses you can receive, so the best thing to do in each case is to clear out the level first, and then try and get the Kodama.


Nioh has an entirely alternate leveling mechanism in place, too- apart from leveling up your character, you also gain Sill Points through the course of the game. You can use these skill points to unlock new moves, skills, and arts for the weapons that you use.

Now, the important thing to keep in mind is that the skills you learn are not limited to the specific weapon you are using- but they are limited to the specific weapon type you are using. Put simply, if you unlock a skill for your Sword, you can use that skill with all Swords. You cannot, however, use it with an Axe. This mechanism presumably exists to encourage players to stick with certain playstyles.

As a player, make sure to level up your weapons by learning new attacks and arts for them using Skill Points. This can make battles significantly easier, by opening up entirely new attacks and moves that you otherwise would not get access to.


Unlike SoulsNioh goes all out with its equipment and gear. There are different kinds of weapons and armor, and each have their own level, and their rarity, both of which determine the overall stats and additional bonus perks for that gear. You will almost never run into two pieces of armor that are the same- and will in fact be encouraged to switch your armor around as much as you can.

However, there are some modifiers and multipliers that remain the same across all types of armor. In this section of the guide, we walk you through those, so you can best plan out a character build.

Light Armor

  •  Archer Garb: Armor Level 1-8; Requires Body: 3 Skill: 3
  • Bandit Armor: Armor Level 1- ; Requires Body: 6 Skill: 6
  • Mariner’s Garb: Armor Level 1; Requires Body: 1 Skill: 1
  • Pirate Armor: Armor Level 1-8; Requires  Body: 1 Skill: 1
  • Scout Armor: Armor Level 1-8; Requires Body: 2 Skill: 3
  • Thief Armor: Armor Level 7; Requires Body: 4 Skill: 5
  • Tower of London Guard Armor Level 1-4; Requires Body: 2 Skill: 3
  • Vengeful Spirit Garb: Requires Body: 6 Skill: 7

Medium Armor

  • Brawler’s Armor: Armor Level 1-8; Requires Body: 2 Strength: 3
  • Footsoldier’s Armor: Armor Level 1-8; Requires Body: 3 Strength: 4
  • Platemail Armor: Armor Level 1-8; Requires Body: 6 Strength: 7
  • Ronin Armor: Armor Level 1-9; Requires Body: 4 Strength: 5

Heavy Armor

  • Knight Armor: Armor Level 1-4; Requires Stamina: 4 Strength: 3
  • Rogue Armor: Armor Level 1-8; Requires Stamina: 5 Strength: 4
  • Unusual Armor: Armor Level 1-9; Requires Stamina: 3 Strength: 2
  • Warlord Armor: Armor Level 1-8; Requires Stamina: 7 Strength: 6


Unlike SoulsNioh goes all out with its equipment and gear. There are different kinds of weapons and armor, and each have their own level, and their rarity, both of which determine the overall stats and additional bonus perks for that gear. You will almost never run into two weapons that are the same- and will in fact be encouraged to switch your weapons around as much as you can.

However, there are some modifiers and multipliers that remain the same across all types of weapons. In this section of the guide, we walk you through those, so you can best plan out a character build.


  • Bastard Sword: Levels 1-4
  • Bizen-den Tachi: Levels 1-8
  • Bizen-den Uchigatana: Levels 1-8
  • Yamato-den Tachi: Levels 1-8

Dual Swords

  • Mino-Den Dual Uchigatan: Levels 1-8
  • Soshu-Den Dual Tachi: Levels 1-8
  • Soshu-Den Dual Uchigatana: Levels 1-8


  • Footsoldier’s Spear: Levels 1-8
  • Jumonji Spear: Levels 1-8
  • Runkah: Levels 1-4
  • Squire’s Jumonji Spear: Levels 1-8
  • Spear: Levels 1-8


  • Bandit Axe: Levels 1-8
  • Battle Axe: Levels 1-4
  • Black Steel Axe: Levels 1-8
  • Wooden Hammer: Levels 1-8


  • Spy’s Kusarigama: Levels 1-8


  • Longbow: Levels 1-8


  • Tanegashima Matchlock: Levels 1-8


There are multiple different kinds of items in Nioh, and each kind can be useful. The most common ones you run into will be consumables; key items gained during the quest will be unavoidable through the game, and are used to progress through the story. Projectiles are items that are thrown to dish out some damage. Finally, Smithing items can be taken back to a forge and crafted into something new altogether.

Here, we discuss all consumable the items you can get your hands on:

  • Antidote: Counters poison.
  • Elixir: Restores health – can be replenished at a Shrine.
  • Fire Amulet: Imparts elemental fire to your weapon for a short period.
  • Horoku-dama: A powerful grenade that explodes in every direction.
  • Kayaku-dama: Damages enemies within an area.
  • Moment Talisman: Summons a Guardian Spirit to attack enemies for a short period.
  • Sacred Water Speeds up Ki recovery for a short period.
  • Salt: Lowers Ki of nearby Yokai.
  • Signpost Talisman: Places a marker on your minimap
  • Small Spirit Stone: Use to receive 100 Amrita.
  • Spirit Stone: Use to receive 500 Amrita.
  • Stone: Throw to damage or lure enemies
  • Summoner’s Candle: Summon your Guardian Spirit and Amrita from a grave.
  • Travel Amulet: Use to travel back to the last Shrine prayed at.
  • Uchiko Powder: Temporarily raises familiarity with the weapon you are using.
  • Whetstone: Raises the familiarity of an equipped weapon permanently by 150.
  • Yokai Water Pot: Opens a portal to the Yokai Realm.
  • Young Samurai’s Locks: Use to gain 2 Samurai Skill Points.


In Nioh, you can take on a Guardian Spirit to watch over you- each Guardian Spirit gives you different kinds of bonuses, which can come in handy in complementing or supplementing your play style. This section of the guide walks you through those bonuses.



Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Close Combat Attack: +5%
  • Ki: +10
  • Ki Recovery Speed: +20%
  • Close Combat Attack Ki Reduction (Crit. Health): 20%
  • Skill Damage: +15%

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 20%
  • Fire: 30
  • Usable Time: 15.8
  • Might: 1280
  • Action: C
  • Recovery: A-
  • Tenacity: A-
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: C+


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection:20%
  • Sense Enemies
  • Life: +100
  • Close Combat Life Recovery (Req 8. Spirit): 100
  • Human Close Combat Damage (Req. 10 Spirit): +9%
  • Strong Attack Ki Reduction (Req. 11 Spirit): 10%

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 10%
  • Water: 30
  • Usable Time: 22
  • Might: 1400
  • Action: B
  • Recovery: C
  • Tenacity: C
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: D


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Evasion Ki Usage: 15%
  • Equipment Drop Rate (Req. 6 Spirit): +20%
  • Quick Attack Damage (Req. 8 Spirit): +8%
  • Luck (Req. 9 Spirit): +40
  • Life Recovery (After Living Weapon) (Req. 11 Spirit): +400

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 5%
  • Wind: 30
  • Usable Time: 17.2
  • Might: 680
  • Action: C+
  • Recovery: C+
  • Tenacity: D
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: A+


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Life: +200
  • Recurrent Damage from Poison: 25%
  • Guard Ki Reduction: 20%
  • Vs. Poison Resistance: +20
  • Life Recovery from Amrita Absorption (Req. 11 Spirit): 3

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 15%
  • Earth: 30
  • Usable Time: 19
  • Might: 1870
  • Action: B+
  • Recovery: B+
  • Tenacity: C-
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: D


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Enemies Defeated Damage Bonus: A
  • Gold Earned: +15%
  • Amrita Sense
  • Vs. Water Resistance (Req. 11 Spirit): +20
  • Amrita Earned (Req. 13 Spirit): +12.5%

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 7%
  • Water: 30
  • Usable Time: 18
  • Might: 700
  • Action: B-
  • Recovery: B
  • Tenacity: B
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: C+


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection:20%
  • Dash Endurance:10%
  • Skill Ki Damage: +10%
  • Vs. Lightning Resistance:+20
  • Treasure Sense

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 10%
  • Lightning: 30
  • Usable Time: 19.8
  • Might: 1350
  • Action: C
  • Recovery: C
  • Tenacity: B
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: A-


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Luck: +50
  • Human Item Drop Rate: +30%
  • Familiarity Bonus: +16%
  • Yokai Item Drop Rate: +30%
  • Paralysis: +30

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 7%
  • Earth: 30
  • Usable Time: 19.8
  • Might: 600
  • Action: B
  • Recovery: C
  • Tenacity: D
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: A+


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Life Recovery From Purification: 150
  • Evasion Ki Usage: 20%
  • Vs. Yokai Realm: +300
  • Water Damage: +15%
  • Strong Attack Ki Damage: +15%

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 3%
  • Fire: 42
  • Usable Time: 16.8
  • Might: 600
  • Action: B
  • Recovery: A
  • Tenacity: C+
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: A+


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Elixir Effect on Recovery: +20%
  • Dash Speed: +10%
  • Low Attack Damage: +8%
  • Luck (Using Living Weapon): +100
  • Ninjitsu Power: +75

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 5%
  • Lightning: 30
  • Usable Time: 18
  • Might: 400
  • Action: B
  • Recovery: B
  • Tenacity: C-
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: A-


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Retrieve Lost Amrita: 50%
  • Vs. Earth Resistance: +20
  • Unlimited Elixir: +25%
  • Strong Attack Damage: +10%
  • Auto Life Recovery (Critical)

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 12%
  • Earth: 30
  • Usable Time: 20.4
  • Might: 2050
  • Action: C+
  • Recovery: A+
  • Tenacity: A-
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: D


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection:20%
  • Activate Living Weapon (No Life)
  • Vs. Fire Resistance: +20
  • Amrita Earned (Using Living Weapon): +25%
  • Fire Damage: 15%
  • Auto-Charge Living Weapon Gauge (Crit Health) (Req 21 Spirit)

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 15%
  • Fire: 50
  • Usable Time: 14.6
  • Might: 1440
  • Action: C
  • Recovery: A+
  • Tenacity: A+
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: D


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Increase Attack (Skill)
  • Guard Ki Reduction: 20%
  • Lightning Damage: +12%
  • Ki: +20
  • Skill Life Drain (Req 21 Spirit): +15

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 22%
  • Lightning: 42
  • Usable Time: 18.8
  • Might: 1550
  • Action: C
  • Recovery: D-
  • Tenacity: B-
  • Amrita Guage Rate: D


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection: 20%
  • Earn Amrita (Strong Attack): 25
  • Amrita Earned: +8%
  • Close Combat Attack Ki Reduction: 10%
  • Wind Damage: +15%
  • Auto Life Recovery (After Living Weapon) (Req. 22 Spirit)

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 5%
  • Wind: 42
  • Usable Time: 21
  • Might: 1400
  • Action: A-
  • Recovery: C+
  • Tenacity: C+
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: D


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection:20%
  • Increase Damage (Low Ki)
  • Life Recovery By Grapple: 150
  • Vs. Lightning: +20
  • Close Combat Damage (Req. 21 Spirit): +10%
  • Shorten Recovery Time (Out of Ki) (Req. 23 Spirit)

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 23%
  • Lightning: 42
  • Usable Time: 18.4
  • Might: 1380
  • Action: D+
  • Recovery: C
  • Tenacity: B+
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: C+


Guardian Spirit Protection Effects

  • Spirit Protection:20%
  • Bonus From Amrita Absorbed (Stance-Based)
  • Yokai Damage Reduction: 13%
  • Extend Elemental Effect: +50%
  • Elemental Attack Damage (Req. 22 Spirit): +10%
  • Enemy / Treasure / Amrita / Kodama Sense (Req. 25 Spirit)

Living Weapon Effects

  • Attack Enhancement: 10%
  • Wind: 30
  • Usable Time: 20
  • Might: 1500
  • Action: B
  • Recovery: A+
  • Tenacity: B-
  • Amrita Gauge Rate: D


You Are Nioh
Obtained all trophies.

Samurai of Legend
Completed all missions.

The Beginning of a Samurai
Reached level 10.

Full-fledged Samurai
Reached level 100.

Ultimate Pro
Reached maximum proficiency with your first weapon.

Sword Master
Acquired mystic art for the sword.

Dual Sword Master
Acquired mystic art for the dual swords.

Spear Master
Acquired mystic art for the spear.

Axe Master
Acquired mystic art for the axe.

Kusarigama Master
Acquired mystic art for the kusarigama.

Ninjutsu Master
Acquired mystic art for Ninjutsu.

Onmyo Magic Master
Acquired mystic art for Onmyo Magic.

Changed your hair style or beard.

Latest Masterpiece
Forged an item.

Regular Smith Customer
Made a total of 60 requests at the blacksmith.

Master of Quality
Collected all the best materials.

Completed 10 missions with NPC or in the “Yokai Realm with a companion” with other users.

Yokai Telepathy
Communicated with a yokai 10 times.

Master of Chaos
Confused an enemy for the first time.

Twilight Walker
Completed your first Twilight mission.

Spa Healer
Bathed in first hot spring.

Yokai Quelling Master
Defeated all types of yokai.

Spa Lover
Bathed in every hot spring.

Gesture Master
Acquired 40 gestures.

Kodama Leader
Collected all Kodama.

Friend of Guardians
Collected all Guardian Spirits.

A Long Journey Begins
Completed “The Man with the Guardian Spirit”.

They Call Him Anjin
Completed “Deep in the Shadows.”

An Agreement Forged
Completed “The Ocean Roars Again.”

Wandering Spirit
Completed “The Demon of Mount Hiei.”

A Question of Intentions
Met with Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Onward to a Decisive Battle
Witnessed Tokugawa’s forces head toward a decisive battle.

The Battle Ends
Completed “The Source of Evil.”

A True Samurai
Completed “The Samurai from Sawayama.”

Freedom Restored
Completed “The Demon King Revealed.”

Battle’s End
Completed “The Queen’s Eyes.”

Making Rounds
Made two circuits around Japan.

Used a disguise.

Changed the appearance of an item.

Legendary Swordsmith
Found Muramasa and brought him in.

Divine Obtainer
Obtained first divine item.

Dungball Roller
Became Ryunoshin the dung lover’s best friend.

Ugly Fellow
Used the mask of an ugly fellow to defeat an enemy.

Keeper of the Flame
Lit all three evil-warding bonfires in Itsukushima.

Ressurector of the Hiragumo
Collected all fragments of the Hiragumo teakettle from Shigisan.

Nue Slayer
Defeated the Nue of Mount Hiei.

End Times
Defeated Derrick the Executioner.

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