No Man’s Sky’s next big update, dubbed No Man’s Sky Beyond, is coming sometime this summer, but those who own the game on PC have a little extra coming to tide them over during the wait. As Hello Games detailed on their website, the PC version of the game now has Vulkan API support. According to them, PC players should see an immediate performance boost, especially those who have AMD graphics cards. Instead of holding off for the release of the Beyond update, the dev team decided to release it to all current users early, and it is live now.
The patch also comes with some other minor fixes, like revised HDR calibration, some alterations to graphics settings, and more. You can see the list below.
No Man’s Sky is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. There’s no solid date on when the Beyond update will be released, but it’s expected to add VR support, multiplayer, and more. In related news, you can read more about Sean Murray, controversial creator of the game, talking about the game and its future here.
- OpenGL has been replaced by Vulkan. Many players, particularly players with AMD graphics cards, should see a performance improvement
- Revised HDR support, updated output curve in line with advances in HDR calibration
- Adaptive and Triple-Buffered V-Sync are now selectable from Graphics Settings
- Players with more than one GPU can now select which is used from Graphics Settings
- Changing the following settings no longer require restarting:
- Window Mode
- Resolution
- V-Sync
- Shadow Detail
- Reflection Quality
- The ‘LOADING SHADERS’ load step has been removed, improving the loading experience.
- Crash data is gathered via Steam to help us track down and fix issues.