PETA recently started a “campaign” against Nintendo’s Mario series, against the fact that the games are “sending the message that it’s OK to wear fur”, as is shown when Mario wears the iconic Tanooki suit. Since then, Mario and Nintendo fans have gone on a rampage against PETA, and Nintendo has replied to their statements as well. However, PETA wants to assure Mario fans that the campaign is a joke, and wants them to “relax.”
“Mario fans: Relax!” they said while speaking with Kotaku. “PETA’s game was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, a fun way to call attention to a serious issue, that raccoon dogs are skinned alive for their fur.”
The rep continued: “We wish real-life tanukis could fly or swat enemies away with their tails and escape from those who profit from their skins. You can help them by never buying real fur.”
I’m not really sure this will make fans and Nintendo any less angry. But they can always try.
Is this a failed attempt on PETA’s part? Tell us in your comments.