It’s almost here, folks. We’re on the last lap, and as only twelve days remain that separate us from the next installment in one of the biggest franchises in gaming, I’m sure there are loads of you guys out there who are eagerly awaiting the review of the first new Pokemon game in four years. And while we’d like for the review to be up as soon as possible, we’d also like for it to be the most complete, thorough and informative review that we could provide you guys with. So, unfortunately, as the two priorities clearly clash, we had to pick one over the other.
GamingBolt’s review for Pokemon Black and White will not go online until after the game has been released. There are, of course, several reasons for this- Pokemon Black and White are incredibly deep and complex games, and the single player portion alone takes nearly seventy hours to finish. And finishing the main story mode isn’t even half of it, as not only does the game proper begin after the story mode’s been done, but Pokemon Black and White have the deepest, richest after game since the legendary Pokemon Gold and Silver. Given the sheer number of extra things to do in this game- local co-op, online battles, sidequests and minigames, trading, importing all your Pokemon from your older games to the newer one- and well, I think you can clearly understand why we need some time with this little baby before we can conclusively tell you how good (or bad) it is.
In the meanwhile, what we can tell you is that Pokemon Black and White are very, very special games. How special? Well, without giving away anything, let’s just say that these games have the potential to topple Pokemon Gold and Silver from their lofty perch. Yep, I just said that.
For the final word, look out for the review. We hope to have the review for Pokemon Black and White up before 11.59 PM on the 11th of March, Central Time. In the meantime, I seriously suggest you guys go back and play through the DS Pokemon games one last time. It’ll be your last opportunity to bid farewell to an era that lasted nearly fifteen years.