Pokemon X & Y Scans Reveal New Pokemon and Mega Forms

New Gym Leader Koruni also revealed.

Posted By | On 08th, Aug. 2013

Game Freak’s Pokemon X & Y has recently received some new information via scans, showcasing new Pokemon and various Mega Forms for pre-existing Pokemon. Check them out below.

Mega Forms include MegaBlaziken (with Torchic being distributed to users between October 12th 2013 and January 15th 2014), MegaAbsol, MegaMawile, MegaMewtwo (yes, that new evolution is a Mega Form and features the ability Insomnia), MegaLucario and MegaAmpharos. And how do they get to their Mega Forms? Why, by Mega Evolution of course! We couldn’t make this up if we tried. New Pokemon include Grass-type Meekuru (the pre-evolved form of Gogoat), Electric/Fairy-type Dedenne and Normal-type Horubii.

There’s also a new Super Training facility revealed along with a new Gym Leader, Koruni, who will help you understand how Mega Evolutions are possible such as giving Blazien an item to evolve into MegaBlaziken. There will also be Mega Stones for the same effect.

Pokemon X and Y releases on October 12th for Nintendo 3DS.

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