When you think of Remedy Entertainment, you think of high quality cinematic action games with a focus on relatively grounded storytelling- that’s what Remedy has delivered across Max Payne, Alan Wake, and Quantum Break. And yet, its next game might end up being something totally antithetical to what they have become known for.
According to a new job ad found on Remedy’s official website, P7, the mysterious game that Remedy has admitted it is working on, seems to be explicitly recruiting people for a multiplayer game- the job listing namedrops Destiny and PUBG pretty clearly, which seems to indicate that Remedy wants its next game to be as long running and engaging for fans as those two titles have proven to be.
The question is, will they manage to do that, as a studio with zero experience with multiplayer games so far? It remains to be seen, but I, for one, am excited to see them try to bat out of their comfort zone.